Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Alamo GPS Assignment

Alamo GPS Assignment

Q Open the Alamo GPS tutorials in this module, and refer to that as you work on your assignment.* Complete the following questions with information from Alamo GPS. Type your answers in the Text Entry box below (not the comment box). Copy and paste the assignment questions below in the text entry box, then type your answer below the question. Reminder: To get to Alamo GPS, log into ACES and you will see it in the "Home" tab. For help with how to navigate in Alamo GPS, I have saved tutorials in this module. If you have trouble accessing Alamo GPS, call the Alamo Colleges District I.T. help line at 210-485-0555. You will be asked what error message you are getting. 1. Under the Academic Information section, what college is listed? 2. What is the major listed for you? 3. Is this major correct? (Note: if not correct, you should submit a Change of Major Form to Admissions & Records) 4. What is your TSI status? 5. List any developmental classes you are currently taking (these have course numbers that start with a zero). 6. Using the GPA Calc/Term Calculator tool, what would your GPA be if you earned one "A" this semester and the rest of your grades were "C"s?

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1. Under the Academic information section, what college is listed ? San Antonio College 2. What is the major listed for you? EMT/Paramedic 3. Is this major correct? (Note if not correct, you should submit a Change of Major Form to Admissions & Records) Yes this is the correct major. 4. What is your TSI status? NCR - Not College Ready 5. List any developmental classes you are currently taking (these have course numbers that start with a 0). There are no developmental classes.